
Your first dungeon delve. The old caverns by the coast. Promises of treasure beyond belief. The old folks say it's suicide. Those fools will die in the ditch where they were born. You will be kings.Deep in the caves, a chanting. Figures dance in the firelight. The jangle of metallic bells is somehow sinister. The smokey air is sour. The cacophony of the bells overwhelms your senses. The dancing figures surround you. The rest is flashes, glimpses in candlelight, sensations, wet, rough stone. You come and go, always in darkness, the sour meaty smell surrounds you. Bound with cord. Dragged, lowered, carried, how long you cannot tell.You finally awake, the cold stone of the floor pressed against your face. Hunger gnaws at your guts and thirst stings your throat. Pain in your wrists from where you were bound. Sores, bruises, how long have you been dragged? Weight on your neck. A shackle, a familiar jingle, a bell around your neck. Darkness like flowing ink in every direction. A deafening quiet broken only by the jingle of the bells around your neck, and the rumble of your stomach.


Hulios FrogmanA Tracker
Slender-bodied, with sunburnt skin. Oily hair and a wolfish face
Of serene demeanor, but prone to laziness
Launcelot Gobbo
A chubby man, on the run from a king whose cake he ate.
Mattias Fältskog (DEAD)A defrauded charlatan
Rugged physique Chiseled face, Burn scars, Wispy hair, Fashionable clothing
Focused, Greedy, Rapid-fire speech,
Chaos Aligned
Gregory the Bald (DEADA neutral Mercenary
Portly and bald.

Session 1

Unsure of where they are and how they got there, our adventurers awake in the darkness, starving and thirsty. Hulios lit his lantern, revealing a small limestone cavern and a basalt wall, carved like a giant door, but with no hinges or means of opening. Gregory found in his hands a small white chalky stone idol or statue. A mushroom with many small spider like legs at it's base.The first order of business was addressing the knawing hunger. Rations were consumed. Starvation abated, but bellies still rumbled. Next task was doing away with the bell collars. Removal seemed unlikely, so the bells were smashed or pried open to silence them. minor injuries were incurred. A racket was made.From a tunnel in the floor of the cavern came the tap tap tapping of many hard limbs. A smell of familiar and comforting rot. The adventurers sprinted across the cavern to a large exit. An enormous spider creature, with writhing flesh composed of many moving insects, crawled forth from the chimney. In the commotion, Gregory was swept into the darkness and disappeared.Down a member, the adventurers traveled blindly by lanternlight. They came upon of tomb of 6 giant basalt coffins, inside 1, a giant skeleton wearing a bejeweled crown. when disturbed the skeleton animated, straining its chains but failing to reach Mattias. Attempts were made to climb the coffin, but only failure and injury were found. With no tools or plan, the coffin was abandoned and the party again wandered the darkness.After another hour of travel, they came upon a weary growling. Further exploration revealed a mangled ghoul in fanciful military dress. The party proved a pleasant sight and agreed to take the ghoul captain to his home, in return for riches of his fallen kingdom. He promised to be nice, and they promised to be true to their word.3 hours later, The last of the lantern oil burned out. Ghoul Captain recognizes they are off course. The party deems provisions a priority. The captain suggests trading with Antlings. 3 more hours by torchlight and the party comes across antling territory. A funnel-like shaft below the sounds of mining and insect parts. Mattias calls out a salesman's pitch, offering restoratives. Antling soldiers respond with doubt. A light in the darkness. signs of intelligent life.


Captain SzobanMangled Ghoul Officer in ratty Napoleonic style uniform.
Says he was attacked by Olm. Says Olm only attack food. Thinks someone is plotting against him
Serves Baron Rhotan.
Captain Kolkblaser Von Der PahuStuffy Ghoul Officer in Napoleonic uniform. Leading a squad of feral Ghouls with an unknown purpose. Cruel to Szoban.Korbax the All PowerfulFilthy black toothed Volume-Lord and Sorcerer. Controls a root vegetable farm made possible by ultraviot butterflies of his creation. Subordinates worship him.Baron RhotanNapoleonic Ghouls Aristocrat. Powdered Wig, Sharp Teeth. Prone to "Hrumph" The Father of Captain Szoban.Huswan
A greasy mud smeared shadow of a man. A cave witch's curse causes his arms and legs to pop off like doll parts when pulled upon.

Experience Sources

Survival - 100/session survived
Eating a sentient creature - 1/c worth of food eaten.
Burning/Spending Lumes - 5/ Lume burnt or spent.
Traveling in without light - 10/hour traveled without light.


MattiasS-II - Dropped below 0 HP - has developed rapid protein conversion, allowing him to gorge himself on meat for a temporary strength boost. Will manifest any day now.
S-II - at the flesh of a sentient being - names all light sources. Treats them as companions.
S-II- Ate the flesh of a sentient being - has developed a severe paranoia. The details of which are known only to him. No XP until resolved.
S-III- Pushed to the edge by Mattias' behavior. Paranoia blossomed into full-blown rage. Resolved after telepathic connection.

Session 2

Gregory the bald returned, with no memory of being gone. No one remembers him being there. Mattias, undeterred by the Antling Soldier's doubt, continued to pitch his restorative cure-all (beaver perfume.) An Antling Diplomat was summoned to discuss and Hulios' bellows were used to atomize the perfume and send it whafting up into the cave above. The Antling Diplomat was quite pleased with the scent. A trade was brokered: the perfume, for a Glow Beetle light. But the players were warned, if not fed, the beetle would get aggressive. The Diplomat asked if the players were saved and they affirmed that they were, he went on to allude to the Antling being determined to seek out hell, but the conversation was not very productive. The party was encouraged to move on and not come back. They did as asked.At the Captain's behest, they backtracked to where he was found, and took an alternate route. Hours later while traveling down a fairly level tunnel the PCs felt a wind at their back, almost pulling them down the tunnel ahead. They pressed on and found before them a massive chasm of reflective sharp faced and faceted silver stone. From the far side came the sounds of human civilization, the chattering of a strange but human tounge, and the cacophony of daily tasks. Leading down the chasm wall before them was a monolithic staircase of countless switchbacks. After hours of descent, an ancient stone bridge, carved in the same style as the stairs was found, seemingly spanning the gap. The bridge was crossed, and the town sounds grew louder. Szabos was wary as usual. He spoke of a Half Real village, only existing when perceived. The party heeded his advice and slinked around the outside of the cave avoiding the unseen village.After a few more hours of caving, the party came, somewhat abruptly, upon another Ghoul Captain, and his host of feral soldiers, holed up at the ready in a smallish cave. The party and Captain Szabos spoke with the captain, who was identified as Captain Kolkbläser Von Der Pahu. He spoke down to the injured Szabos, who seemed to be aware of Von Der Pahu's true purpose. Szabos, the shattered man he was, admitted to failing at his task, though never specifying what it was. Von Der Pahu was not kind and insisted Szabos return to his "papa" at once. Defeated and dismayed, Captain Szabos urged the party to continue forward to Baron Rhotan's fortress.Hours later the tunnels and caves changed to narrow passages between marble boulders of varying sizes. The way forward led straight down an ungulating waterfall of marble boulders. The climb looked difficult in the darkness, but just before descending, the echoes of a weary patrician voice rasping in a dialect, similar to that of Captain Szabos, made it's way up through the darkness, followed soon by guttural groaning responses. Captain Szabos was dismayed further by this discovery, which he identified as a Ghoul Noble and their court, in transit for some reason. Undeterred the party planned their descent, but took no care to stay quiet. Just beyond the halfway point of their climb, a light was lit below revealing a Ghoulish aristocrat and a his feral court. Communication was established, and an agreement was made. The feral ghouls would leave, to allow them to descend, but the party would not linger or bother the Noble. The plan worked well, except Gregory missed a dyno on the way down, fell 20ft, and broke a rib. The ghoulish court was clearly disappointed he survived the fall.After a few more hours of travel through the boulders, the party came upon a cave. Within, a floppy pale arm, bigger than a man, extended from within pile of smaller boudlers that made up the northern wall of the cave. Gregory, seeking food, attempted to remove a finger, but in doing so, found himself trapped beaneath the now clearly livinng hand, not crushed, but overwhelmed by the almost fluid viscous flesh. A yet unseen face sticking out higher up bellowed out threats. It's skin was loose and sagging, fluid like that of the arm. The giant threatened to eat them, but the party responded by offering meat. The giant was interested, but demanded once fed, that the party free him from the rockflow. The party agreed. But had no intentions of assisting. They saw an oppy. They climbed upon the boulders, and attempted to remove the giants arm with synchronous axe strikes. While they did succeed is causing great harm to the creature, they did not sever the arm. The giant flailed and screamed in pain, and in doing so disturbed the boulders. Unable to keep his feet Mattias fell and smashed his head. He survived, but was concussed. While he rested, the rest of the party finished removing the giants lame arm. They decided, after much debate not to kill the giant, or too linger here too long, and instead feasted upon his armflesh which was a bothersome amalgamation of connective tissue and skin like melting cheese. As Mattias regained conciousness, The Rapture took him. His body went stuff and silent, but in his mind he found himself standing stop a capsized boat on a starless inky sea. Deep below in the water strange lights coalesced. Across the wreckage stood shadow forms of his beloved mates, Gregory and Hulios. The two figures set upon him with weapons drawn. He was able to fend off their attacks, dispatching shadow Hulios, but when he attempted to seize Shadow Gregory by the throat, he was outmatched and heaved into the cold dark water. Back in the Veins, Mattias awoke screaming, then bellowed out in cackling laughter. The Rapture had taken him. What happened next is beyond his control.

Session III

Mattias awoke from his encounter with the rapture screaming with laughter. He was fully aware of his senses but had no control of his body. The Rapture compelled his limbs to action, seeking to inflict whatever damage it could. His hands found his pouch of chalk and shoved it into his mouth. Gregory and Hulios quickly seized him and held his squirming form until the rapture left him.Mattias, his senses returned, was left changed by the recent events, Hulios too. The Rapture, the giant's flesh, their minds and bodies began to bend to the ways of the veins. Mattias developed odd protein conversion glands and began to regard light sources as normal folk. Hulios however was filled with a deep-seated paranoia. Something has possessed Mattias. He calls it the Rapture and says it hunts them still. Hulios must get to the bottom of this.The delvers continued on, bellies full, and Beetle glowing brightly. As the stone of the Veins shifted to red black Granite, they came upon a fantastic sight: A large cave illuminated by a swarm of scintillating butterflies, nearly as bright as a noon sun. Below the rainbow light, a small farm inhabited by strange men. Efforts to circumvent proved futile, as the delvers were ambushed by Volume Folk, strange cultist farmers living in the veins. The delvers parlay, seeking trade. They are brought to the Volume Folk leader, "Korbax the All-Powerful." Their conversation with Korbax, while not economically fruitful, is rather expositional. Korbax informs them that they are likely chosen hunters, sent into the veins to hunt a Great White Mushroom. He too seeks the mushroom, specifically a spear lodged in its back. Would pay handsomely for it. Some rope is traded for coins. Drinks are had. The Delvers rest and eat in the village and head out after.Venturing further on, the granite slowly shifted to a dingy yellowed limestone, the walls of an old smoker's home. Much to the Ghoul Captains' pleasure, they came upon an immense stalagmite fortress. He announced that they have arrived at the Baron's keep. Lit with gentle yellow lanterns, massive stairs encircle the cavern leading to a bridge. While crossing they are stopped by guards. The Captain announces himself and the delvers are allowed to pass. They are given private rooms at the captain's request. He is sad, disappointed in himself. Fearing his father's disapproval.Hulios takes the moment of comfort and respite as an opportunity to confront Mattias about his possession once more. Things get heated, but they are interrupted by a bothersome butler. They have been summoned by the Baron. They are called before a court of ghouls resembling a Napoleonic parliament. Powdered wigs all around. The Baron sits at the center, Szoban, propped up by splints ar his right side. The baron corroborates Szoban's recounting of their travels. He rewards them with a fancy mechanical hand crossbow. Its ammunition is precious and limited. At the delver's request, they are given a certificate displaying the barons favor to allow safe passage. They are welcomed to stay, but dismissed from the court.The Delvers rest up for 2 weeks in the Baron's Keep. Rumors swirl around the keep of Captain Van der Pahu's defeat to the Olm. Szoban is said to be to blame for the losses. At the end of their stay, a Healed Szoban visits, he is grateful for their help and is heading off to earn back his father's respect. He tells the delvers that if they seek passage to the surface, he has heard such a route exists in Fallen Illiam.As they prepared to leave, Hulios confronted Mattias in the halls of the Keep. Determined to get the answers he seeks. Mattias has none of it and blows him off yet again. This sends Hulios into a paranoid rage. he convinces Gregory that Mattias needs an exorcism. The confrontation does not go over well, and a melee breaks out. In an act of inspiration, Matties casts a spell to share minds with Hulios. Hulios sees the rapture for what it is, and while he no longer fears Mattias, he now fears the Veins more than ever.